SRUClient |
A client to perform SRU operations.
SRUClientConfig |
A class for encapsulating the configuration of an SRU client.
SRUClientConfig.Builder |
A class that implements the builder pattern to create
SRUClientConfig instances.
SRUClientConstants |
Some constants for the SRUClient.
SRUClientDiagnostics |
Diagnostics defined by SRU client.
SRUDefaultHandlerAdapter |
Default base class for SRU client response handlers.
SRUDiagnostic |
Class to hold a SRU diagnostic.
SRUExplainRecordData |
A record data implementation for SRU explain record data conforming to the
ZeeRex schema.
SRUExplainRecordData.ConfigInfo |
SRUExplainRecordData.DatabaseInfo |
SRUExplainRecordData.IndexInfo |
SRUExplainRecordData.IndexInfo.Index |
SRUExplainRecordData.IndexInfo.Index.Map |
SRUExplainRecordData.IndexInfo.Set |
SRUExplainRecordData.LocalizedString |
SRUExplainRecordData.Schema |
SRUExplainRecordData.ServerInfo |
SRUExplainRequest |
An object for performing a explain operation.
SRUExplainResponse |
A response to a explain request.
SRUGenericExtraResponseData |
SRURecord |
Class for holding a single record from a result set.
SRUScanRequest |
An object for performing a explain operation.
SRUScanResponse |
A response to a scan request.
SRUSearchRetrieveRequest |
An object for performing a searchRetrieve operation.
SRUSearchRetrieveResponse |
A response to a searchRetrieve request.
SRUSimpleClient |
A simple client to perform SRU operations using callbacks.
SRUSurrogateRecordData |
A record data implementation to hold surrogate diagnostics.
SRUTerm |
Class to hold a single entry from a scan response.
SRUThreadedClient |
A client to perform SRU operations in parallel.
XmlStreamReaderUtils |