Class SRUScanRequest

  • public class SRUScanRequest
    extends Object
    An object for performing a explain operation.

    The following argument arguments are mandatory:

    • scanClause
    See Also:
    SRUScanHandler, SRU Scan Operation
    • Constructor Detail

      • SRUScanRequest

        public SRUScanRequest​(URI baseURI)
        baseURI - the baseURI of the endpoint
      • SRUScanRequest

        public SRUScanRequest​(String baseURI)
        baseURI - the baseURI of the endpoint
    • Method Detail

      • getScanClause

        public String getScanClause()
        Get the value of the scanClause argument for this request.
        the value for the scanClause argument or null of none was set
      • setScanClause

        public void setScanClause​(String scanClause)
        Set the value of the scanClause argument for this request.
        scanClause - the value for the scanClause argument
        NullPointerException - if any required argument is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is invalid
      • getResponsePosition

        public int getResponsePosition()
        Get the value of the responsePosition argument for this request.
        the value for the responsePosition argument
      • setResponsePosition

        public void setResponsePosition​(int responsePosition)
        Set the value of the responsePosition argument for this request.
        responsePosition - the value for the responsePosition argument
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is invalid
      • getMaximumTerms

        public int getMaximumTerms()
        Get the value of the maximumTerms argument for this request.
        the value for the maximumTerms argument
      • setMaximumTerms

        public void setMaximumTerms​(int maximumTerms)
        Set the value of the maximumTerms argument for this request.
        maximumTerms - the value for the maximumTerms argument
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is invalid
      • getOperation

        public SRUOperation getOperation()
        Note: this method is not a part of public API.
        a operation constant for this request
      • getBaseURI

        public URI getBaseURI()
        Get the baseURI of the SRU server.
        the baseURI of the SRU server
      • isStrictMode

        public boolean isStrictMode()
        Get the SRU protocol conformance mode for this request
        true if the request will be performed in strict mode, false if the request will be performed in a more tolerant mode
      • setStrictMode

        public void setStrictMode​(boolean strictMode)
        Set the SRU protocol conformance mode for this request
        strictMode - true if the request should be performed in strict mode, false if the request should be performed client should in a more tolerant mode
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(SRUVersion version)
        Set the version for this request.
        version - a version of null for client default
      • getVersion

        public SRUVersion getVersion()
        Get the version for this request.
        version for this request or null if client default is used
      • getExtraRequestData

        public String getExtraRequestData​(String name)
        Set the value of extra request parameter for this request.
        name - the name for the extra request data parameter
        the value for the extra request data parameter or null if parameter was not set
        NullPointerException - if any required argument is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is invalid
        See Also:
        SRU Extra Data / Extensions
      • getRequestedURI

        public final URI getRequestedURI()
        Get the URI that was used to perform the request. This method may only be called after the request was carried out, otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.
        the URI that was used to carry out this request
        IllegalStateException - if the request was not yet carried out
      • getRequestedVersion

        public final SRUVersion getRequestedVersion()
        Get the version that was used to carry out this request. This method may only be called after the request was carried out, otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.
        the version that was used to carry out this request
        IllegalStateException - if the request was not yet carried out
      • isSendAuthentication

        public boolean isSendAuthentication()
        Get the authentication mode for this request
        true if the request will try to send authentication data (header), false if the request will not send send authentication information
      • setSendAuthentication

        public void setSendAuthentication​(boolean sendAuthentication)
        Set whether authentication information should be sent for this request
        sendAuthentication - true if the request should try to send authentication information, false if sending should be suppressed
      • getAuthenticationContext

        public Map<String,​String> getAuthenticationContext()
        Returns a nullable read-only map of authentication context data.
        the authentication context map or null if no entries were created
      • setAuthenticationContext

        public void setAuthenticationContext​(String name,
                                             String value)
        Set an authentication context entry for this request.
        name - the name for the context entry parameter
        value - the value for the context entry parameter
        NullPointerException - if any required argument is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is invalid