Class SRUClientConfig

  • public class SRUClientConfig
    extends Object
    A class for encapsulating the configuration of an SRU client.
    • Field Detail


        public static final SRUVersion DEFAULT_SRU_VERSION
        default version the client will use, if not otherwise specified

        public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
        default connect timeout to be used, if not otherwise specified
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
        default socket timeout to be used, if not otherwise specified
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultVersion

        public SRUVersion getDefaultVersion()
        Get default SRU version to be used.
        the default SRU version to be used.
      • getConnectTimeout

        public int getConnectTimeout()
        Get the connect timeout. This value is ignored if a customized HTTP client is provided.
        the connect timeout
      • getSocketTimeout

        public int getSocketTimeout()
        Get the socket timeout. This value is ignored if a customized HTTP client is provided.
        the connect timeout
      • getCustomizedHttpClient

        public org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient getCustomizedHttpClient()
        Get the customized HTTP client which is to be used.
        a configured HTTP client instance or null
      • getRequestAuthenticator

        public SRURequestAuthenticator getRequestAuthenticator()
        Get the request authenticator
        the configured request authenticator or null
      • getHttpClientContext

        public org.apache.http.client.protocol.HttpClientContext getHttpClientContext()
        Get the HTTP client context which is to be used. Only relevant, if a customized HTTP client is set, see {getCustomizedHttpClient().
        a HTTP client context instance or null
      • getThreadCount

        public int getThreadCount()
        Get the number of worker threads. This value is only relevant for the SRUThreadedClient.
        the number of worker threads
      • getRecordDataParsers

        public List<SRURecordDataParser> getRecordDataParsers()
        Get the list of record data parsers to be used.
        the list of record data parsers.
      • getExtraResponseDataParsers

        public List<SRUExtraResponseDataParser> getExtraResponseDataParsers()
        Get the list of extra response data parsers to be used.
        the list of extra response data parsers.