Class SRUTerm

  • public final class SRUTerm
    extends Object
    Class to hold a single entry from a scan response.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Get the term as it appeared in the index.
        the value of the term
      • getNumberOfRecords

        public int getNumberOfRecords()
        Get the number of records which would me matched by the term.
        the number of record or -1 if unknown
      • getDisplayTerm

        public String getDisplayTerm()
        Get A string to display to the end user in place of the term itself.
        a display string or null if unknown
      • getWhereInList

        public SRUWhereInList getWhereInList()
        Get the flag to indicate the position of the term within the complete term list.
        the flag or null if unknown
      • getExtraTermData

        public DocumentFragment getExtraTermData()
        Get extra term data for this term.
        get an instance of DocumentFragment containing the XML fragment for the extra term data from the SRU response or null if none are available
      • hasExtraTermData

        public boolean hasExtraTermData()
        Check, if this term has extra term data attached to it.
        true if extra term data is attached, false otherwise