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acceptType(String) - Method in interface eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParser
Check, if parser accepts a certain DataView type
acceptType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserAdvanced
acceptType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericDOM
acceptType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericString
acceptType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserHits
acceptType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserKWIC
addDefaultDataViewParsers() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Add the recommended default set of data record view parsers.
AUTH_ONLY - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction
Only authentication via home institution is required.
autodetectVersion(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector
Try to auto-detected the FCS version of and endpoint.


build() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
buildClient() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Create a SRUClient instance.
buildSimpleClient() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Create a SRUSimpleClient instance.
buildThreadedClient() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Create a SRUThreadedClient instance.


CAPABILITY_ADVANCED_SEARCH - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for Advanced Search capability
CAPABILITY_AUTHENTICATED_SEARCH - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for Authenticated Search capability
CAPABILITY_BASIC_SEARCH - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for Basic Search capability
ClarinFCSClientBuilder - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A class that implements the builder pattern for creating SRU client instances that are configured to be used for CLARIN-FCS.
ClarinFCSClientBuilder() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
ClarinFCSClientBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
ClarinFCSConstants - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
CLARIN-FCS endpoint description holder class.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
This class implements a description of a data view supported by the endpoint.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView.DeliveryPolicy - Enum in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Enumeration to indicate the delivery policy of a data view.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer.ContentEncoding - Enum in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Enumeration to indicate the content encoding of a layer.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
This class implements a description of a resource available at an endpoint.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction - Enum in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Enumeration to indicate the content encoding of a layer.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
An extra response data parser for parsing CLARIN-FCS endpoint descriptions.
ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser(boolean) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser(int) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser(int, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils
As stripped down client for auto-detecting the FCS version supported by an endpoint.
ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector
ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion - Enum in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils
The auto-detected FCS version
ClarinFCSRecordData - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A record data implementation for CLARIN-FCS.
ClarinFCSRecordDataParser - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A record data parse to parse records conforming to CLARIN-FCS specification.
ClarinFCSRecordDataParser(List<DataViewParser>) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordDataParser
ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.auth
ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.AuthenticationInfoProvider - Interface in eu.clarin.sru.client.auth
ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.auth
copy(XMLStreamReader, XMLStreamWriter) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericString
create() - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
createAuthenticationHeaderValue(SRUOperation, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator


DataView - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Base class for Data View implementations according to the CLARIN-FCS record schema.
DataView(String, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataView
DataViewAdvanced - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A Data View implementation that stores the content of a Advanced Data View.
DataViewAdvanced(String, String, DataViewAdvanced.Unit, List<DataViewAdvanced.Layer>) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced
DataViewAdvanced.Layer - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
DataViewAdvanced.Segment - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
DataViewAdvanced.Span - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
DataViewAdvanced.Unit - Enum in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
DataViewGenericDOM - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A generic Data View implementation that stores the content of the Data View as a DOM document.
DataViewGenericDOM(String, String, String, Document) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewGenericDOM
DataViewGenericString - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A generic Data View implementation that stores the content of a Data View as a String.
DataViewGenericString(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewGenericString
DataViewHits - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A Data View implementation that stores the content of a HITS Data View.
DataViewHits(String, String, String, int[], int) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewHits
DataViewParser - Interface in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Base class for implementing parsers for parsing a specific Data View embedded in a CLARIN-FCS record.
DataViewParserAdvanced - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
An implementation of a Data View parser that parses Advanced Data Views.
DataViewParserAdvanced() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserAdvanced
DataViewParserGenericDOM - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
An implementation of a Data View parser that stores the content of a Data View in DOM representation.
DataViewParserGenericDOM() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericDOM
DataViewParserGenericString - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
An implementation of a DataView parser that stores the content of a Data Views in String representation.
DataViewParserGenericString() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericString
DataViewParserHits - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
An implementation of a Data View parser that parses HITS Data Views.
DataViewParserHits() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserHits
DataViewParserKWIC - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Use only to talk to legacy clients. Endpoints should upgrade to recent CLARIN-FCS specification.
DataViewParserKWIC(boolean) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserKWIC
DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
constant for default parsing resource enumeration parsing depth
DEFAULT_PARSING_STREAMING - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
constant for default parsing method (event based streaming, or in-memory XML DOM)
disableFullLegacyCompatMode() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to disable support for legacy CLARIN_FCS in full compatibility mode.
disableLegacySupport() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to disable support for legacy CLARIN-FCS endpoints.


EMPTY - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer.ContentEncoding
The layer is encoded just as segment units.
enableFullLegacyCompatMode() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to support legacy CLARIN-FCS endpoints in full compatibility mode.
enableLegacySupport() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to enable support for legacy CLARIN-FCS endpoints.
eu.clarin.sru.client.auth - package eu.clarin.sru.client.auth
eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs - package eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils - package eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils


FCS_1_0 - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
FCS version 1.0 auto-detected
FCS_2_0 - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
FCS version 2.0 auto-detected
FCS_GENERAL_PROCESSING_HINT - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "General processing hint."
FCS_GENERAL_QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "General query syntax error."
FCS_INVALID_PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Persistent identifier passed by the Client for restricting the search is invalid."
FCS_LEGACY - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
Legacy FCS
FCS_QUERY_TOO_COMPLEX - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Query too complex.
FCS_QUERY_WAS_REWRITTEN - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Query was rewritten."
FCS_REQUESTED_DATAVIEW_NOT_VALID_FOR_RESOURCE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Requested Data View not valid for this resource."
FCS_RESOURCE_TOO_LARGE_CANNOT_PERFORM_QUERY - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Resource set too large.
FCS_RESOURCE_TOO_LARGE_QUERY_ADJUSTED - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for FCS diagnostic "Resource set too large.


getAltValue() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getAltValueInfo() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the alternative value information of this layer
getAltValueInfoURI() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the alternative value information URI of this layer
getAudience(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.AuthenticationInfoProvider
getAvailabilityRestriction() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the availabiliy restriction for this resource.
getAvailableDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the list of data views that are available for this resource.
getAvailableLayers() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
(ADV-FCS) Get the list of layers that are available for this resource.
getCapabilities() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
Get the list of capabilities supported by this endpoint.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Get the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established.
getContent() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getContent() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewGenericString
Get DataView content.
getDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Get the list of dataview objects for this this resource.
getDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource.ResourceFragment
Get the list of data view objects for this this resource fragment.
getDeliveryPolicy() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView
Get the delivery policy for this data view.
getDescription() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the description of this resource.
getDescription(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the description of the resource for a specific language code.
getDocument() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewGenericDOM
Get the DataView content.
getEncoding() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the content encoding of this layer
getEndOffset() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Segment
getEndOffset() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getHighlight() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getHitCount() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewHits
Get the total number of hits in the result.
getHitOffsets(int) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewHits
Get the offsets pointing to range in the text content that yield the hit.
getId() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Layer
getId() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Segment
getIdentifier() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView
Get the identifier of this data view.
getIdentifier() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the identifier of this layer
getInstitution() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the institution of this resource.
getInstitution(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the institution of this resource for a specific language code.
getKeyword() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyDataViewKWIC
Get the matched KWIC context.
getLandingPageURI() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the landing page of this resource.
getLanguages() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the list of languages in this resource represented as ISO-632-3 three letter language code.
getLayers() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced
getLayerType() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the layer type of this layer
getLeft() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyDataViewKWIC
Get the left KWIC context.
getMaximumResourceParsingDepth() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
Get the maximum resource enumeration parsing depth.
getMimeType() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView
Get the MIME type of this data view.
getMimeType() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataView
Get the MIME type of this DataView.
getPid() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the persistent identifier of this resource.
getPid() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataView
Get the persistent identifier for this DataView.
getPid() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Get the persistent identifier for this resource.
getPid() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource.ResourceFragment
Get the persistent identifier for this resource fragment.
getPriority() - Method in interface eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParser
Get the priority for this parser
getPriority() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserAdvanced
getPriority() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericDOM
getPriority() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericString
getPriority() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserHits
getPriority() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserKWIC
getQualifier() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the qualifier of this layer
getRecordSchema() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordData
getRecordSchema() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordDataParser
getRecordSchema() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordData
getRecordSchema() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordDataParser
getRef() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataView
Get the reference URI for this DataView.
getRef() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Get the reference URI for this resource.
getRef() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource.ResourceFragment
Get the reference URI for this resource fragment.
getReference() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Segment
getReference() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getResource() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordData
Get the CLARIN-FCS record resource.
getResource() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordData
Get the CLARIN-FCS record resource.
getResourceFragments() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Get the list of resource fragment objects for this this resource.
getResources() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
Get the list of top-level resources of this endpoint.
getResultId() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
Get the result URI of this layer
getRight() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyDataViewKWIC
Get the right KWIC context.
getRootElement() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
getSegment() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getSegmentId() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Get the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data.
getSpans() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Layer
getStartOffset() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Segment
getStartOffset() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
getSubject(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.AuthenticationInfoProvider
getSubResources() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the direct sub-ordinate resources of this resource.
getSupportedDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
Get the list of data views supported by this endpoint.
getSupportedLayers() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
Get the list of data views supported by this endpoint.
getText() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewHits
Get the text content of the hit.
getTitle() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the title of this resource.
getTitle(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Get the title of the resource for a specific language code.
getUnit() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced
getVersion() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription
Get the version of this endpoint description.
getVersion() - Method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
Get a numerical representation of the auto-detected version.


hasAvailabilityRestriction() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Check, if this resource has any kind of availability restriction.
hasDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Convenience method to check if this resource has any dataviews.
hasDataViews() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource.ResourceFragment
Convenience method to check if this resource fragment has any data views.
hasResourceFragments() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.Resource
Convenience method to check if this resource has any resource fragments.
hasSubResources() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Determine, if this resource has sub-resources.


INFINITE_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
constant for infinite resource enumeration parsing depth
isMimeType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView
Convenience method to check if this DataView is of a certain MIME type.
isMimeType(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataView
Convenience method to check if this DataView is of a certain MIME type.
isTransient() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordData
isTransient() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordData
ITEM - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Unit


KeyReaderUtils - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.auth
KeyReaderUtils() - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils


Layer(String, List<DataViewAdvanced.Span>) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Layer
LEGACY_X_CLARIN_RESOURCE_INFO - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for extra request parameter "x-clarin-resource-info"
LegacyClarinFCSRecordData - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Only use to talk to legacy clients
LegacyClarinFCSRecordDataParser - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
Use only to talk to legacy clients. Endpoints should upgrade to recent CLARIN-FCS specification.
LegacyClarinFCSRecordDataParser(List<DataViewParser>, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordDataParser
LegacyDataViewKWIC - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
This class should not be used anymore. Use DataViewParserKWIC in non legacy mode instead.


NEED_TO_REQUEST - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView.DeliveryPolicy
A client must explicitly request the endpoint.
NONE - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction
No authentication is required.


parse(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
parse(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordDataParser
parse(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordDataParser
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in interface eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParser
Parse a DataView.
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserAdvanced
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericDOM
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserGenericString
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserHits
parse(XMLStreamReader, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewParserKWIC
PERSONAL_IDENTIFIER - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction
An additional 'userID' attribute is required for authentication.


QUERY_TYPE_CQL - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for CQL query type
QUERY_TYPE_FCS - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for CQL query type


readPrivateKey(File) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
readPrivateKey(InputStream) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
readPrivateKey(String) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
readPublicKey(File) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
readPublicKey(InputStream) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
readPublicKey(String) - Static method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.KeyReaderUtils
RECORD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSRecordData
The record schema for CLARIN-FCS records.
RECORD_SCHEMA - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyClarinFCSRecordData
The legacy record schema for CLARIN-FCS records.
registerDataViewParser(DataViewParser) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Register a Data View parser.
registerExtraResponseDataParser(SRUExtraResponseDataParser) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Register an extra response data parser.
Resource - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A CLARIN-FCS resource
Resource.ResourceFragment - Class in eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs
A CLARIN-FCS resource fragment


Segment(String, long, long, URI) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Segment
SEND_BY_DEFAULT - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView.DeliveryPolicy
The data view is sent automatically by the endpoint.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established.
setDefaultSRUVersion(SRUVersion) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Set default SRU version to be used.
setRequestAuthenticator(SRURequestAuthenticator) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
setSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Set the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data.
Span(DataViewAdvanced.Segment, String, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Span
supports(QName) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescriptionParser
supportsLanguage(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo
Check, if this resource supports a certain language.


TIMESTAMP - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Unit
toString() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView
toString() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer
TRUE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for value "true" for extra request parameter "x-fcs-endpoint-description"
TYPE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced
The MIME type for CLARIN-FCS Advanced data views.
TYPE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewHits
The MIME type for CLARIN-FCS KWIC data views.
TYPE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.LegacyDataViewKWIC
The MIME type for CLARIN-FCS KWIC data views.


UNKNOWN - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
Unknown FCS version auto-detected
unknownDataViewAsDOM() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to parse unknown Data Views into a DOM representation.
unknownDataViewAsString() - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSClientBuilder
Configure client to parse unknown Data Views into a String representation.


VALUE - eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer.ContentEncoding
The layer is encoded as content values.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView.DeliveryPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer.ContentEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView.DeliveryPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer.ContentEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.ResourceInfo.AvailabilityRestriction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.DataViewAdvanced.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.utils.ClarinFCSEndpointVersionAutodetector.AutodetectedFCSVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAuthenticationInfoProvider(ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.AuthenticationInfoProvider) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withExpireTokens(long) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withIssuer(String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withKeyPair(File, File) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withKeyPair(String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withKeyPairStrings(String, String) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withNotBefore(boolean) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder
withTokenIds(boolean) - Method in class eu.clarin.sru.client.auth.ClarinFCSRequestAuthenticator.Builder


X_FCS_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for extra request parameter "x-fcs-endpoint-description"
X_INDENT_RESPONSE - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for extra request parameter "x-indent-response" (NB: only applicable for SRUServer implementation)
X_UNLIMITED_RESULTSET - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for extra request parameter "x-unlimited-resultset" (NB: only applicable for SRUServer implementation)
X_UNLIMITED_TERMLIST - Static variable in class eu.clarin.sru.client.fcs.ClarinFCSConstants
constant for extra request parameter "x-unlimited-termlist" (NB: only applicable for SRUServer implementation)
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