Class ClarinFCSEndpointDescription

    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        Get the version of this endpoint description.
        the version of the endpoint description
      • getCapabilities

        public List<URI> getCapabilities()
        Get the list of capabilities supported by this endpoint. The list contains the appropriate URIs defined by the CLARIN-FCS specification to indicate support for certain capabilities.
        the list of capabilities supported by this endpoint
      • getSupportedDataViews

        public List<ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.DataView> getSupportedDataViews()
        Get the list of data views supported by this endpoint.
        the list of data views supported by this endpoint
      • getSupportedLayers

        public List<ClarinFCSEndpointDescription.Layer> getSupportedLayers()
        Get the list of data views supported by this endpoint.
        the list of data views supported by this endpoint