Class DataViewHits

  • public class DataViewHits
    extends DataView
    A Data View implementation that stores the content of a HITS Data View.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataViewHits

        protected DataViewHits​(String pid,
                               String ref,
                               String text,
                               int[] offsets,
                               int offsets_idx)
        pid - a persistent identifier or null
        ref - a reference URI or null
        text - the textual content of the hits
        offsets - an array of (start, end) offset pairs that indicate the part of the text, that is considered a hit
        offsets_idx - the largest index (= hit_count * 2) within the offsets array plus one
        NullPointerException - if any mandatory argument is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is illegal
    • Method Detail

      • getHitCount

        public int getHitCount()
        Get the total number of hits in the result.
        the number of hits
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Get the text content of the hit. Usually this is complete sentence.
        the text content of the hit
      • getHitOffsets

        public int[] getHitOffsets​(int idx)
        Get the offsets pointing to range in the text content that yield the hit.
        idx - the hit to retrieve. Must be larger than 0 and smaller than the result of getHitCount().
        An array of two elements. The first array element is the start offset, the second array element is the end offset of the hit range.
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - of the idx argument is out of bounds.