Class AbstractEndpointDescriptionBase

    • Field Detail

      • version

        protected final int version
      • capabilities

        protected final List<URI> capabilities
      • supportedDataViews

        protected final List<DataView> supportedDataViews
      • supportedLayers

        protected final List<Layer> supportedLayers
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractEndpointDescriptionBase

        protected AbstractEndpointDescriptionBase​(int version,
                                                  List<URI> capabilities,
                                                  List<DataView> supportedDataViews,
                                                  List<Layer> supportedLayers)
        version - version of this endpoint description
        capabilities - a list of capabilities supported by this endpoint
        supportedDataViews - a list of data views that are supported by this endpoint
        supportedLayers - a list of layers that are supported by this endpoint
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        Description copied from interface: EndpointDescription
        Get the version number of this endpoint description.
        Valid version are 1 for FCS 1.0 and 2 fpr FCS 2.0.
        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface EndpointDescription
        the version number for this endpoint description
      • isVersion

        public boolean isVersion​(int version)
        Description copied from interface: EndpointDescription
        Check if this endpoint description is in a certain version.
        Specified by:
        isVersion in interface EndpointDescription
        version - the version to check for
        true, if version number matches
      • getCapabilities

        public List<URI> getCapabilities()
        Description copied from interface: EndpointDescription
        Get the list of capabilities supported by this endpoint. The list contains the appropriate URIs defined by the CLARIN-FCS specification to indicate support for certain capabilities. This list must always contain at least for the Basic Search capability.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        Specified by:
        getCapabilities in interface EndpointDescription
        the list of capabilities supported by this endpoint
      • getSupportedDataViews

        public List<DataView> getSupportedDataViews()
        Description copied from interface: EndpointDescription
        Get the list of data views supported by this endpoint. This list must always contain an entry for the Generic Hits (HITS) data view.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        Specified by:
        getSupportedDataViews in interface EndpointDescription
        the list of data views supported by this endpoint
      • getSupportedLayers

        public List<Layer> getSupportedLayers()
        Description copied from interface: EndpointDescription
        Get the list of layers that are supported in Advanced Search by this endpoint.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        Specified by:
        getSupportedLayers in interface EndpointDescription
        the list of layers supported in Advanced Search by this endpoint