Class Layer

  • public class Layer
    extends Object
    This class is used to information about a Layers that is available by the Endpoint.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Layer

        public Layer​(String id,
                     URI resultId,
                     String type,
                     Layer.ContentEncoding encoding,
                     String qualifier,
                     String altValueInfo,
                     URI altValueInfoURI)
        id - the identifier of the layer
        resultId - the unique URI that used in the Advanced Data View to refer to this layer
        type - the type identifier for the layer
        encoding - the content encoding for this layer
        qualifier - an optional layer qualifier to be used in FCS-QL to refer to this layer or null
        altValueInfo - an additional information about the layer or null
        altValueInfoURI - an additional URI for pointing to more information about the layer or null
      • Layer

        public Layer​(String id,
                     URI resultId,
                     String type)
        id - the identifier of the layer
        resultId - the unique URI that used in the Advanced Data View to refer to this layer
        type - the type identifier for the layer
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Get the identifier for the layer.
        the identifier for the layer
      • getResultId

        public URI getResultId()
        Get the unique URI that used in the Advanced Data View to refer to this layer
        the URI for referring to this layer in the Advanced Data View
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Get the type identifier for this layer.
        the type identifier of the layer
      • getContentEncoding

        public Layer.ContentEncoding getContentEncoding()
        Get the content encoding mode for this layer.
        the content encoding mode
      • getQualifier

        public String getQualifier()
        Get the optional layer qualifier to be used in FCS-QL
        the layer qualifier or null
      • getAltValueInfo

        public String getAltValueInfo()
        Get the additional information about this layer.
        an additional information about the layer or null
      • getAltValueInfoURI

        public URI getAltValueInfoURI()
        Get an additional URI for pointing to more information about this layer.
        an additional URI for pointing to more information about the layer or null