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Meta guidelines

This section presents some guidelines for the writing and maintenance of this handbook.


The development handbook is aimed to give guidelines and best practices for the development process. Strictly operational matters should be avoided here, and rather be included in the operational handbook.

As a rule of thumb, the following distinction can be kept in mind:

  • 👉 Anything that (also) happens on your local machine SHOULD be done in line with the development handbook.
  • 👉 Anything that (also) happens in the infrastructure (in a broad sense?), or where roles & responsibilities come into play, SHOULD be done according to the operational handbook.

Note that most processes involve both development and operational aspects.


  • 👉 Each page MUST have a level 1 heading (#) for the title of the section or chapter
  • 👉 Level 2 headings (##) MUST be used for the main sections and use lower level headings for subsections
  • 👉 Each page SHOULD include a short introduction describing its scope and context


  • 👉 Mark concrete guidelines with the 👉 emoji
  • {TODO: Marking of policies, hints?}
  • 👉 Sets of related guidelines SHOULD be enumerated using unordered lists (as used here)
  • 👉 Important keywords MAY be highlighted using ** emphasis markup
  • 👉 Use MAY, SHOULD and MUST and use code markup for these using backticks
  • 👉 References SHOULD be placed in footnotes. Use the footnote markup that is supported in both GitHub and mkdocs via the footnotes plugin, and requires usage of a specific syntax1.
  • 👉 Links that are not references MAY be rendered as regular inline links (see below for an example)
  • 👉 The markdown for each page MUST pass linting with markdownlint (see rules2).
  • TODO: hint about CI and local linting


  • 👉 References to information sources and other relevant related resources SHOULD be included where applicable. Use footnotes as described above.