Externalise all user, role, credentials information from code base
Normally there is no need for 'real' management of usernames and passwords; standard situation: db or back end service username/password; end users authenticate through SAML
Store roles (if applicable) in database, provided management interface
Storing passwords in plain text (i.e. not a hash, unencrypted) should be avoided
Having a property in the general configuration for e.g. defining admin user ids is an anti-pattern
There can be a property to 'bootstrap' users and roles, e.g. a 'master' admin
External configurability
Means no (re-)build is needed to apply
Reloading configuration
Hot reloadable preferable (can also be manually triggered through UI)
If application restart is required, make sure that active sessions don't get broken if at all possible - otherwise warn
Docker (compose)
Wherever possible, provide defaults
Compose YAML file: "FOO: ${MY_FOO:-default}"
In .env this allows for optional "MY_FOO=bar"
Mandatory settings without a default
Docker image should also have logic to check for mandatory settings (use init script)
Compose YAML file: "FOO: ${MY_FOO:?err}" or "${MY_LOCAL_DIRECTORY:?err}:/path/inside/container"
If one or more aspects of configuration are done through a mount (e.g. logging), configuration of this should be optional, i.e. provide a default
You can provide a way of overriding the core application config (that is normally filtered as a template) through a mount
& compose projects
directory (or optionally file) configurable through .env variable
Loading from external source
e.g. GitHub
Not a preferable method for application configuration, use conventions described above; suitable for other resources such as definitions (e.g. data mappings), display content (e.g. help page and other documentation, headers & footers) etc.
Provide a local caching mechanism - don't depend on availability of external resource in real time
use a local copy; e.g. in container environment load resource on container init
try to reload if applicable
warn if local copy is too old
Do a validation after retrieval/refresh, before updating cache
Syntax check
If there is any risk e.g. of vulnerability injection or vandalism, it can be mitigated with a signature check