Interface SRUSearchEngine

    • Method Detail

      • explain

        SRUExplainResult explain​(SRUServerConfig config,
                                 SRURequest request,
                                 SRUDiagnosticList diagnostics)
                          throws SRUException
        Handle an explain operation. Implementing this method is optional, but is required, if the writeExtraResponseData block of the SRU response needs to be filled. The arguments for this operation are provides by the SRURequest object.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        config - the SRUEndpointConfig object that contains the endpoint configuration
        request - the SRURequest object that contains the request made to the endpoint
        diagnostics - the SRUDiagnosticList object for storing non-fatal diagnostics
        a SRUExplainResult object or null if the search engine does not want to provide writeExtraResponseData
        SRUException - if an fatal error occurred
        See Also:
      • search

        SRUSearchResultSet search​(SRUServerConfig config,
                                  SRURequest request,
                                  SRUDiagnosticList diagnostics)
                           throws SRUException
        Handle a searchRetrieve operation. Implementing this method is mandatory. The arguments for this operation are provides by the SRURequest object.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        config - the SRUEndpointConfig object that contains the endpoint configuration
        request - the SRURequest object that contains the request made to the endpoint
        diagnostics - the SRUDiagnosticList object for storing non-fatal diagnostics
        a SRUSearchResultSet object
        SRUException - if an fatal error occurred
        See Also:
        SRURequest, SRUExplainResult
      • scan

        SRUScanResultSet scan​(SRUServerConfig config,
                              SRURequest request,
                              SRUDiagnosticList diagnostics)
                       throws SRUException
        Handle a scan operation. Implementing this method is optional. If you don't need to handle the scan operation, just return null and the SRU server will return the appropiate diagnostic to the client. The arguments for this operation are provides by the SRURequest object.

        The implementation of this method must be thread-safe.

        config - the SRUEndpointConfig object that contains the endpoint configuration
        request - the SRURequest object that contains the request made to the endpoint
        diagnostics - the SRUDiagnosticList object for storing non-fatal diagnostics
        a SRUScanResultSet object or null if this operation is not supported by this search engine
        SRUException - if an fatal error occurred
        See Also: