1. Introduction

This specification is an extension specification to the CLARIN-FCS Core 2.0 specification and describes an access mechanism for restricted resources.

The Federated Content Search currently does not support the restriction of access to resources to specific user groups or users. There is no mechanism in the aggregator that limits access to announced resources and endpoints are typically accessible via the FCS protocol directly (omitting the use of the FCS aggregator). The goal is to allow restricting access to FCS resources to users that are authenticated using the established AAI infrastructure.

This contains the following issues:

  1. Shibbolizing the aggregator frontend so that

    • unauthenticated users still get access to all unrestricted endpoints

    • authenticated users get access to all unrestricted endpoints and additionally to the restricted endpoints

  2. Specifying (and implementing) changes for endpoints so that:

    • endpoints can announce restricted resources to the aggregator

    • endpoints can rely on authenticated FCS user requests

1.1. Terminology

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as in RFC2119.

1.2. Glossary


Authentication & Authorization Infrastructure. A service and a procedure that enables members of different institutions to access protected information that is distributed on different web servers. See Shibboleth.


Identity Provider, a system entity that issues authentication assertions, see SAML and AAI.


JSON Web Token, see RFC7519.


Asymmetric public-key cryptography system by Rivest-Shamir-Adleman for digital signatures and encryption.


Security Assertion Markup Language, an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data.


Shibboleth is a single sign-on log-in system for computer networks and the Internet. See also SAML.


Service Provider, a system entity that receives and accepts authentication assertions, see SAML and AAI.

1.3. Normative References


Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, IETF RFC 2119, March 1997, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.html


JSON Web Token (JWT), IETF RFC 7519, May 2015, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc7519.html


Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition), W3C, 8 December 2009, http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xml-names-20091208/


SRU Version 1.2: SRU Diagnostics List, Library of Congress, http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/diagnostics/diagnosticsList.html


CLARIN Federated Content Search (CLARIN-FCS) - Core 2.0, SCCTC FCS Task-Force, May 2017, https://trac.clarin.eu/wiki/FCS/Specification, https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2017-1046-FCS-Specification-v89.pdf

1.4. Non-Normative References


Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures, IETF RFC 6838, January 2013, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6838.txt


XML Media Types, IETF RFC 3023, January 2001, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023.txt


PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2, IETF RFC 8017, November 2016, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8017.txt

1.5. Typographic and XML Namespace conventions

The following typographic conventions for XML fragments will be used throughout this specification:

  • <prefix:Element>

    An XML element with the Generic Identifier Element that is bound to an XML namespace denoted by the prefix prefix.

  • @attr

    An XML attribute with the name attr.

  • string

    The literal string must be used either as element content or attribute value.

Endpoints and Clients MUST adhere to the XML-Namespaces specification. The CLARIN-FCS interface specification generally does not dictate whether XML elements should be serialized in their prefixed or non-prefixed syntax, but Endpoints MUST ensure that the correct XML namespace is used for elements and that XML namespaces are declared correctly. Clients MUST be agnostic regarding syntax for serializing the XML elements, i.e. if the prefixed or un-prefixed variant was used, and SHOULD operate solely on expanded names, i.e. pairs of namespace name and local name.

2. Restricted Access to Resources

The FCS supports restriction of access to resources to specific user groups or users that are authenticated using the established AAI infrastructure while still allowing unauthenticated access to all unrestricted resources. This mechanism limits access to announced resources that are typically accessible via the FCS protocol directly (omitting the use of the FCS aggregator).

2.1. Technical Description

The aggregator allows an optional login via Shibboleth. Authentication of search queries which are sent to an FCS endpoint is implemented using authentication headers with JSON Web Token (JWT). User information (e.g. mail address or similar) is encoded in the token as claims.

JWTs include an RSA signed token which SHOULD be checked by the respective endpoint. In case of missing or insufficient authorization when accessing restricted resources, the endpoint MUST rise an error using SRU diagnostic "Authentication error" (info:srw/diagnostic/1/3).

The aggregator owns a single common RSA key for all endpoints. For all endpoints with restricted resources its public key has to be manually transferred and included in their configuration. Communication between aggregator and endpoints is only allowed via SSL. Claims iss, sub and aud SHOULD be encoded in the JWT. The endpoint MUST check aud to see if it is the correct recipient and MAY check the fields iss and exp.

The availability and nature of a personal identifier attribute in the aggregator itself, is not guaranteed for a successful login. In SAML this is limited by the configuration of the external IdP selected by the user. When available, one of three SAML attributes is used as user personal identifier: email, eduPersonPrincipalName or eduPersonTargetedID. These attributes are mapped by the aggregator to userID in the same order of preference. userID is then passed to the endpoint. The aggregator issues this information to JWTs and sends it to the appropriate endpoints. The endpoints alone announces which authentication information is required (see next section) and decides at runtime whether the information provided is sufficient for access. While the aggregator front end can inform and guide the user in advance, in case authentication information is still missing.

2.2. Announcing Restricted Resources by the Endpoint

In order to announce restricted resources the endpoint needs to explain in the <Resources> section of the <EndpointDescription> that it does support the aforementioned procedure for a resource. This is done via a dedicated element <AvailabilityRestriction>:

Example of AvailabilityRestriction in Endpoint Description for a Resource
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

The <AvailabilityRestriction> is defined in the top-level <Resource> element and the restriction is valid for its complete sub-tree hierarchy of <Resource> elements. From the backwards compatibility perspective this means that if you do not define the <AvailabilityRestriction> element all resources will be available for searching through the endpoint.

The text node requirementName in <RestrictionRequirement> is either of authOnly or personalIdentifier. authOnly does not require any attributes except for the authentication via home institution. If personalIdentifier is stated eduPersonPrincipalName or eduPersonTargetedID or email is passed to the endpoint as userID using the procedure described above.


2023-06-12 — Conversion to AsciiDoc and Migration of specification documents to Github

  • Convert specification documents for FCS Core 2.0, Core 1.0, DataView and AAI to AsciiDoc

  • Migrate from CLARIN Trac to CLARIN Github

  • Add Github Actions workflow to automate build process

2021-01-27 — FCS Update Proposal for AAI

2020-02-19 — Meeting about Shibbolizing FCS